Thursday, 15 October 2020

Final Moments

Those significant moments in your life when you say to yourself - 'this is it' & you take in as much of the moment as you can ...because deep down you know that this is the last time you will encounter that familiarity that you're used to... be it a house, a city, a pet or a person that meant something to you. Those final moments before you lose them forever (deliberately or otherwise - even to death sometimes) carry the most pain!

Sunday, 11 October 2020

The journey or the milestone?!

Its like the chicken-egg dilemma I guess. So often we lose ourselves chasing milestones and forget to enjoy the journey. I believe Im beginning to appreciate that more now. Atleast that's one good thing the millenials seem to have figured out way ahead of my batch of people..
But some milestones sneak up on you without much notice & this current milestone we achieved makes me really really happy. Happy-sad in a way because the start of something is the end of something else. Anyway, hope leads us on. So that's phase 1 of milestone done. We have some distance to cover to reach the end goal. Till then we will make the most of right now! I guess the only thing we have to constantly remind ourselves is to keep going no matter what!! Reminded of an old favorite track of mine: